A part of Azerbaijan in Belarus

A few years ago in the territory of the Uritsky village Council LLC “Savit-Plus Company” appeared. The main activity of this private enterprise is baking of thin lavash, and recently it is one more type of bakery products called “mother’s bread”.

— We, the Azerbaijanis are used to national dishes, and lavash is the basis of everything. In Gomel it was difficult to find them. So, the idea to create in Gomel their own production of lavash, the main dishes of many national cuisines, appeared, — says the Director of “Savit-Plus Company” Elvira Remizovna Isaeva. — Our products are completely natural, they do not contain any impurities and additives. For baking lavash and “Mother’s bread” we use only high-quality flour of Belarusian producers.

A lot had to be done before the first products of the new enterprise arrived on the shop shelves, but first of all, the staff was recruited and trained. By the way, almost all employees of “Savit-Plus company” acquired the profession of a master in bakery production or operators of bakery ovens after the employment.

The company has already formed the “backbone” of employees who work here from the first days. For example, Jeanne Soldatov and Irina Masharaikina. They started as packers, and now they are masters of baking production. Moreover, in “Savit-Plus company” the whole families work. For example, spouses Elnikovy: Oksana is a Deputy Director of production (she is also engaged in the development of formulations of new types of products) and Paul is the operator of the automatic line.

— “LLC “Savit-Plus Company” produces thin lavashes of several types”,  the employees say. — They are rectangular, which are most familiar to consumers, as well as premium (oval) and rolls (round). Each type of  lavash founds its “adherents” both in the Gomel region and in the Republic.

In each region of Belarus managers are engaged in promotion of production of LLC “Savit-Plus Company”, and every year the number of orders increases. According to Elvira Raisovna, they cooperate with large retail chains and small businesses. Of course, now there is a slight decline in the volume of output, but it is not critical. Considering experience of the previous years, we can say that it is affected by the seasonal demand (by summer it always increases), and, of course, by the difficult economic situation both in the country and abroad. Despite the temporary difficulties, at the enterprise the staff didn’t reduce — and more than 60 people from the nearest settlements from Zalipye and Uritsky and the regional center work here.

— We managed to find a common language with the administration of the limited liability company “Savit-Plus Company”, — says the Chairman of the Uritsky village Executive Committee Lyubov Borovkova. — The management and employees of the enterprise always keep clean and in order both the territory of the enterprise, and the territory adjacent to them, they render versatile help during carrying out regional community work days and during the months on improvement and restoring order on the Earth.

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